

At GoFarm, we're dedicated to bringing you the most localized and sustainably-grown food to your table. That's why we offer a unique program called the Local Food Share, designed to connect you with as many local farmers as possible and provide you with a full season of sustainably grown produce. 

By joining the Local Food Share, you're not just getting convenient access to fresh, in-season food but also contributing to a healthier, more connected, and more vibrant community. GoFarm takes care of the hard work for you, so you can enjoy seasonal produce without worrying about what’s in season, where to find it, or how to cook it. 

  • You’ll receive recipe inspiration as well as storage and cooking tips to help you make the most of your food, along with the opportunity to pick out your own fruits and vegetables

  • You’ll know exactly where your food is coming from and support all 35 of our small family farmers who are committed to sustainable agriculture and promoting healthy living. 

  • You’ll have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the journey your food takes from the farm to your table.

  • It's also a way to connect with your local food system and contribute an incredible impact by contributing to a web of positive change in the community.

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